Don’t you dare compare.
You are a masterpiece.
You are a symphony of ideas, creativity, growth, energy, laughter and love.
No one else can do what you do- how you do it- and with as much love as you do it with.
Your smile- your attitude- your words- are all trademarked to YOU.
They can try to replicate- they can try to do what you do- they might steal your color scheme- your logo-your website- but NO ONE can copy your business ethic- your morals and your dedication to your craft.
So keep pushing in your lane- don’t look to the right or to the left- that will only distract you.
Do you the best you can with what you have been given.
Put it all out in the field EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.
If you fail- get up and do it again. If you don’t know how to do it yet- learn and come back around to it. Pause but never stop.
So don’t you dare compare- the world is waiting for your gifts and beauty.